San Diego Coastal Agility UKI Classic Dog Show
HITS Del Mar Horsepark 14550 El Camino Real, Del Mar, CAHITS Del Mar Horsepark 14550 El Camino Real, Del Mar, CA
HITS Del Mar Horsepark 14550 El Camino Real, Del Mar, CA
Join us Saturday morning during the Grand Prix in the Exhibitor Tent for brunch generously sponsored by Alliant Private Client and Joe Norick.
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Join us Saturday morning during the Grand Prix in the Exhibitor Tent for brunch generously sponsored by Alliant Private Client and Joe Norick.
Join us in the Exhibitor Tent for a Grab & Go Lunch generously sponsored by Wolver Hollow and Teddy Demetriou.
Join us Friday Morning in the Exhibitor Tent for a Grab & Go Breakfast generously sponsored by Wolver Hollow and Teddy Demetriou.
Join us Saturday morning during the Grand Prix in the Exhibitor Tent for brunch generously sponsored by Alliant Private Client and Joe Norick.
Join us Friday Morning in the Exhibitor Tent for a Grab & Go Breakfast generously sponsored by Wolver Hollow and Teddy Demetriou.
Join us Saturday morning during the Grand Prix in the Exhibitor Tent for brunch generously sponsored by Alliant Private Client and Joe Norick.
Kick off the competition week with the HITS Vermont Summer Festival exhibitor parties! Grab your barnmates and meet new friends at different local hotspots. Exhibitor parties will take place from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening.
Thursday, 5:30 pm, in the Grand Prix Ring & VIP Pavilion. FEATURING Volleyball | Games | Potluck | BYOB | Fireworks from New York on the Scoreboard. Hope to see you there!
Join TOST for a sparking refresher at the Al Fresco Bar - every Friday during the Vermont Summer Festival in the Exhibitor Tent
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Kick off the competition week with the HITS Vermont Summer Festival exhibitor parties! Grab your barnmates and meet new friends at different local hotspots. Exhibitor parties will take place from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening.
Visit the Tent between Hunter 1 and the Grand Prix ring to unwind and socialize in the shade.  Enjoy our new Alfresco Bar and special events by some of Vermont’s finest purveyors.  Special Events include: Taste of Manchester Escape to Italy with complimentary bites by Al Ducci
Join TOST for a sparking refresher at the Al Fresco Bar - every Friday during the Vermont Summer Festival in the Exhibitor Tent
National/ 6. CSI 3*